Available courses

CS Post-Bacc Orientation

Welcome to your orientation for the Computer Science Post-Baccalaureate Program at CU Boulder.

CSPB 1300 - Jones - Computer Science I: Starting Computing - Summer 2022

This class teaches techniques for writing computer programs in high level programming languages to s...

CSPB 2270 - Jones - Data Structures & Algorithms

writing computer programs in higher level programming languages to solve problems of interest in a r...

CSPB 2400 - Truong - Computer Systems

Covers how programs are represented and executed by modern computers, including low level machine re...

CSPB 2824 - Stade - Discrete Structures

Covers foundational materials for computer science that is often assumed in advanced courses. Topics...

CSPB 3022 - Kim - Introduction to Data Science Algorithms

The basics of computational statistics to prepare students for machine learning and data science.

CSPB 3287 Summer 2022 - Knox - Design and Analysis of Data Systems

Surveys data management, including file systems, database management systems design, physical data o...

CSPB 3308 Summer 2022 - Knox - Software Development Tools and Methods

This course covers tools and practices for software development with a strong focus on best practic...

Summer 22 Faculty Professional Development Center

Resources for Weekly Applied CS Professional Development Meeting.

CSPB 2270 - Knox - Data Structures & Algorithms

writing computer programs in higher level programming languages to solve problems of interest in a r...

CSPB 3403 - Pisano - Introduction to CyberSecurity for a Converged World

Introduces core concepts in cybersecurity including confidentiality, integrity, authentication, risk...

CSPB 3753 - Lindzey - Operating Systems - Spring 2022

Operating systems are an essential part of every computing system and play a major role in determin...

CSPB 3155 - Nelson - Principles of Programming Languages - Summer 2020

This course is about principles, concepts, and ideas that underlie programming languages. We will di...